الأحد، 29 مايو 2011


University of Alexandria. Faculty of Engineering. Department of Architecture
Postgraduate Studies.
Internet Applications
Course Supervisor:
Prof Dr Osama M. Abdel-Rahman
Students Name: Arch Nour Ezzat Elsharkawy
Paper Title:
Biomimetic Architecture
Academic Year:

1.0      Introduction 
2.0      Definitions
2.1       Definition
2.2       Concepts
2.3       Backgrounds
2.4       Objectives
3.0      Biomimetic technology
3.1       Approaches to biomimicry
3.2       Biomimicry principles
3.3       Levels of biomimicry
3.4       Biomimicry & architecture
3.5       How may biomimicry changes our lives?
4.0      Applications & Analysis
4.1       Biomimicry based on or inspired by animals
4.2       Biomimicry based on or inspired by plants
4.3       Biomimicry based on or inspired by nature
5.0      Conclusion
-   References 
[1] Janine M . Beyus : Innovation inspired by nature , William morrow 1997 
[2] Biomimicry institute , www.biomimicryinstitute.org , 2007
[3] Biomimicry guild , www.biomimicryguild.com , 2008 
[4] www.autodesk.com 
[5] www. inhabitat.com 
[6] www. greatbuildings.com

List of figures:
Figure (1): human attempts to create effective flying machines involved studying how birds fly
Figure (2): Design spiral: design to biology approach
Figure (3): Daimlerchrysler bionic car inspired by the boxfish and tree growth patterns 
Figure (4): Owl's feather 
Figure (5): The Eiffel tower     
Figure (6): The thigh bone
Figure (7): The latticework has one of the basic elements employed in construction techniques
Figure (8): an internal structure of bone
Figure (9): The pangolin
Figure (10): The waterloo terminal          
Figure (11): Interior of terminal  
Figure (12): Plan of international terminal
Figure (13):  Shell
Figure (14):  The spiral café    
Figure (15): Section in the spiral café
Figure (16): Exterior view of cafe
Figure (17): Exterior view of eastgate center
Figure (18): Mound of African termite
Figure (19): Ventilation system in the mounds of African termites
Figure (20): palm tree
Figure (21): Exterior view of station       
Figure (22): Structure similar to a bot palm tree wood        
Figure (23): Design of orient station                                                                                    
Figure (24): water lily
Figure (25): Exterior of airport   
Figure (26): The diagram to the left shows how       
Figure (27): Water bubbles
Figure (28): exterior façade of water cube   
Figure (29): interior view of water cube                        
Figure (30): view of the water cube
Figure (31): The dune
Figure (32): UAE pavilion                  
Figure (33): Exterior view of UAE

1.0    Introduction
Architecture has long been inspired by natural forms, where a building may reference a particular organic form yet may exhibit none of the physical advantages that it could lend to an innovation or extension of architectural technology. Alternatively, a building may not allude to an individual organic form yet its function with regard to structure, mechanical or circulatory systems may be a direct result of investigations into natural principles of design and construction. This report concentrates on the latter, where the architecture develops from or utilizes the biological science that it derives inspiration from.
The aim of an evolutionary architecture is to achieve in the built environment the symbiotic behavior and metabolic balance that are characteristic of the natural environment.

2.0    Definitions
 2.1     Definitions:
The word biomimicry originates from the greek word bios, meaning life, and mimesis, meaning to imitate.
Biomimetics is a new discipline that studies nature's best ideas and then imitates these designs and processes to solve human problems. It is a way to observe nature in action and use that knowledge to inspire new ideas.
The science of biomimcry was solidified in 1997, with the book " biomimicry: innovation inspired by nature". Janine benyus, author of the book who provided us with a description of biomimicry and its significance to the way it can shape the future. Mimicking these designs and strategies could change the way human think in every field of life including architecture.
The process of biomimetics itself is interesting, relying on the fact that living organisms and engineers have a similar goal: to create a structure in the cheapest way possible-either in terms of energy or money.
Biomimicry can be applied to buildings in order to:
a-      make materials stronger, self-assembling, and self-healing
b-      use natural processes and forces for basic building functions
c-      allow them to produce resources by integrating natural systems

2.2      Concept
By looking at biological and botanical life for ideas that can be exported to architecture branching, membranes, photosynthesis, leaf phyllotaxis,etc. an agenda of design concepts can be proposed that simulates desirable properties found in nature for deployment in building. Material scientists are looking to a process called biomimetic investigation where researchers look to natural forms of life and organic elements shells, fish, bacteria,etc. for properties such as hardness, lightness, softness,etc. to extract for new materials and new ways of manufacturing.
The concept of biomimicry in itself is nothing new. Human structures have borrowed from nature throughout history. Our first shelters, for example, were little more than upturned bird's nests: formed of branches and insulated against the elements by whatever materials were readily available. In fact, it could be argued that biomimicry is not a new movement, but a return to our earliest inspirations. New technologies, however, have allowed us to investigate and replicate systems that our ancestors were unable to exploit on grand scale.

2.3      Background
Fig(1)Flying machines involved studing how birds fly

Organisms in nature face the same challenges we do, but they meet them sustainably.
Early humans learned hunting, shelter and survival techniques by observing animals as they interacted with their surroundings. While humans lacked the fierce claws and superior hunting instinct of bears,  People could mimic their techniques. And as humans began to design ever-more complicated contraptions, they continued to look
to nature's example. From Leonardo da vinci's 15th-century sketches of flying machines to the wright brothers' first successful prototype four People have called on nature's inspiration throughout humans' history. By observing animals, plants and natural processes, we gain insight into what works and what does not. For engineers, these observations are helpful in both the design process and inspiring new inventions using natural technologies. With the concerns for the environment, biomimicry may offer suggestions of how industrial designs can be more sustainable and appropriate for different climates and cultures.

2.4      Objective
It is to nurture and grow a global community of people who are learning from, emulating, and conserving life's genius to create a healthier, more sustainable planet.

3.0    Biomimetic technology
3.1      Approaches to biomimicry
Approaches to biomimicry as a design process typically fall into two categories : defining a human need or design problem and looking to the ways other organisms or ecosystems solve this, termed here design looking to biology, or identifying a particular characteristic, behavior or function in an organism or ecosystem and translating that into human designs, referred to as biology influencing design.
Approach to biomimetic investigation
Approaches to biomimicry as a design process typically fall into two categories: defining a human need or design problem and looking to the ways other organisms, termed here design looking to biology, or identifying a particular characteristic, behavior or function in an organism and translating that into human designs, referred to as biology influencing design.
a- Define the problem & its context
b- Find organisms with a similar problem, see what they do , find many divergent organisms to see which has the best / most relevant strategy.
c-Translates the best strategy to a buildable thing, if necessary, find an expert to help.
The approach where designers look to the living world for solutions requires designers to identify problems and biologists to then match these to organisms that have solved similar issues. This approach is effectively led by designers identifying initial goals for design.
Carl hastrich suggested they represent the process in a spiral that would be visually understandable to designers. (fig.2)
Fig(2) Design spiral " design to biology approach
An example of such an approach is daimlerchrysler's prototype bionic car (fig.2). the design for the car was based on the boxfish a surprisingly aerodynamic fish given its box like shape which make it more efficient in terms of fuel use. the chassis and structure of the car are also biomimetic, having been designed based upon how tree are able to grow in a way that minimizes stress concentrations.
Fig(3) Daimlerchrysler bionic car inspired by the boxfish & tree growth patterns
3.2      Biomimicry principles
The biomimicry principles focus exclusively on nature's attributes; thereby implying that humans have much to learn from the billions of years of the natural world's evolutionary experience.
a- nature uses only the energy it needs
b- Nature fits form to function
c- Nature recycles everything
d- Nature banks on diversity
e- Nature demands local expertise
3.3      Levels of biomimicry
Fig(4) Owl's feather
a-  Mimicking a form or a shape from nature
For instance, you may mimick the hooks in an owl's feather to create a fabric that opens anywhere along its surface. You can imitate the frayed edges that grant the owl its silent flight.
b- Mimicking a process carried out by nature                               
The owl feather self-assembles at body temperature without toxins or high pressures. by way of nature's chemistry. The unfurling field of green chemistry attempts to mimic these beginning recipes.
c- mimicking a material and how it performs or mimicking of natural ecosystems
The owl feather is gracefully nested- it's part of an owl that is part of a forest that is part of a biome that is part of a sustaining biosphere. In the same way, our owl inspired fabric must be part of a larger economy that works to restore rather than deplete the earth and its people.
3.4      Biomimicry and architecture
Nature's designs are organic. Their shapes depend upon their functions. They are not linear. They are not based on lines and are therefore not limited by them. In nature, designs are organic; they are very small (only as big they need to be to fit the function). Human designs are very geometric and they are often larger than most natural inventions. Human's inventions are very brittle, stiff, and most of them depend on wheels for mobility.
Architects have long taken inspiration from nature. In ancient Egypt columns were modeled on palm trees and lotus plants, and building designers have borrowed the shapes and proportions of natural forms ever since as they strived to achieve aesthetic perfection.
Some architects now believe that such biomimicry has more to offer than simply making buildings look good. They are copying functional systems found in nature to provide cooling, generate energy and even to desalinate water. And they insist that doing these using biomimetic designs is not just a gimmick, but makes financial sense.

3.5      How may biomimicry changes our lives?
If we want to consciously emulate nature's genius, we need to look at nature differently.  In biomimicry, we look at nature as model, measure, and mentor.  
Nature as model: Biomimicry is a new science that studies nature’s models and then emulates these forms, process, systems, and strategies to solve human problems – sustainably.  The Biomimicry Guild and its collaborators have developed a practical design tool, called the Biomimicry Design-Spiral-for-using-nature-as-model.
Nature as measure: Biomimicry uses an ecological standard to judge the sustainability of our innovations.  After 3.8 billion years of evolution, nature has learned what works and what lasts.  Nature as measure is captured in Life's Principles and is embedded in the evalute step of the
Nature as mentor: Biomimicry is a new way of viewing and valuing nature.  It introduces an era based not on what we can extract from the natural world, but what we can learn from it.

4.0     Applications and analysis
4.1      Biomimicry inspires by animals
a          Eiffel tower
Fig(6)The thigh bone
Fig(5)The Eiffel tower
It is an Exposition observation tower, it was made of Exposed iron, located on the Champ de Mars in Paris, Built in 1889, engineer Gustave Eiffel and its style is Victorian structural expressionist.
The Eiffel tower was built with a structure similar to that of the Thigh bone head. Thanks to this design, the tower acquired    an unshakable structure that also solved the ventilation problem. The Eiffel tower's metal curves formed a lattice built from metal studs and braces. 

Fig (7) The latticework, copied from bones, has become one of the basic elements employed in construction techniques today. It requires fewer materials, and makes for a building framework that's both strong.

Fig (8) Many architects and construction engineers duplicate the internal structure of bone, which increases its load-bearing capabilities. roofs can be built to cover large areas thanks to the use of ribbed structure similar to those in bone.

b          Waterloo international terminal
Fig (9): The pangolin
It is a terminal building, it was made of Steel and glass,located on London, Built in 1993, engineer Nicholas grimshaw and its style is modern.
The terminal needed to be able to respond to changes in air pressure as trains enter and depart the terminal.
The glass panel fixings that make up the structure mimic the flexible scale arrangement of the pangolin so they are able to move in response to the imposed air pressure forces

                       Fig (10): The Waterloo terminal                    Fig (11): Plan of international terminal     

                                                   Fig (12):  Interior of terminal         

c          Spiral café

Fig (13): Shell
It is a cafe, it was made of concrete and glass, located on Birmingham UK, Built in 2004, engineer Marks barfield and its style is modern
The building form is inspires by the shapes of sea shells and pine cones to fractal patterns within galaxies. Illustrated graphically, the sequence forms a graceful spiral. The shape of the café was derives from extruding this 'golden' spiral along a tilting axis to form a simple curved enclosure. 

Fig (14): The spiral cafe  

Fig (15): Section in the spiral café
 Fig (16): Exterior view of cafe

d          Eastgate center

Fig (17): Exterior view of building

Fig (18): Mound of African termite
It is a Shopping center, it was made Of concrete, located on Zimbabwe, Built in 1996, engineer Mick pierce and its style is modern. 
Challenges solved Purchase, installation, maintenance of an air conditioning system for a building in Zimbawe has immediate and long-term costs. The challenge was to create a self-regulating ventilation system that would keep the building at temperatures that are comfortable for workers and residents.Differences from existing products Mick Pearce worked with the construction company Arup to design the structure, which is passively cooled.

Pierce was inspired by thermal control found in termite mounds.

Fig (19): Ventilation system in the mounds of African termites
4.2 Biomimicry inspires by plants
a          orient station

Fig (20): Palm tree
It is a Railway station; it was made of Steel and concrete, located On Portugal, Built in 1998, engineer Santigo calatrava and its style is modern This building grows in lightness by each meter higher from the subway station to the railway one. From this Railway Station some steel and glass trees of 25 meters and 40 tons each one, grow to the top, showing a structure similar to a bot palm tree wood

Fig (21): Exterior view of station
Fig (22): Structure similar to a bot palm tree wood
Fig (23): Design of orient station

 b          worldport (pan AM) 
Fig (24): Water lily
It is an airport; it was made of Steel, located on New York, Built in 1960, engineer Ives, turano and its style is Victorian.
The structure of water lily was used when building the palm Am terminal at New York's john Kennedy airport 
Fig (26): The diagram to the left shows how   
Fig (25): Exterior of airport   
4.3 Biomimicry inspires by nature
a          national aquatics center 
Fig (27): Water bubbles
It is a Sports complex; it was made of Steel, located on china, Built in 2008, engineer Jorn utzon and its style is Contemporary, sustainable. The honey-comb structure appears to be a pool of water from an aerial view, and purposely created with the intention to host the national swimming events. Additionally, these structures haven taken cues from nature and biomimicry.the watercube's design is based on water bubbles in foam and while it may seem random; this structure is derived from principles of geometry and crystalline systems.
Fig (28): exterior facade
Fig (29): interior view
Fig (30): view of the water cube
b          UAE  pavilion
Fig(31): The dune
It is a pavilion; it was made of Steel and stainless steel, located on UAE, Built in 2010, engineer Norman foster and its style is Contemporary.
A showcase of passive environmental design, the pavilion creates a symbolic reference with the desert landscape over which each of the seven emirates presides. As if modeled by prevailing winds, the pavilion mimics the duality between the rough and smooth sides of a sand dune while making the most of its site.

Fig (32): UAE pavilion     

Fig (33): Exterior view  

5.0    Conclusion
a- Biomimetic architecture as the new contemporary architectural style of the 21st century that will revolutionize the architecture world in every way either the way architects think or how they inspire their ideas, the used materials in building, finishing materials to the world and building users. However, architecture has a small role to play in our daily life but it has a great influence in the world we live in.
b- This adaptation of technology has peaked in the second half of the 20th century with the discovery  of new conventions of different materials has led to an emerging new styles and patterns of thinking that has revolted the traditional way of thinking in architecture.
c- Design biomimetics is a bridge that can connect architectural and design professions on a route to linking designed and environmental.
d- Design biomimetics can emphasize ways of thinking and designing that bring architecture and industrial design into a process of environmental and biological focus on more responsive, safer buildings.
e- Biomimetic technology would help us also overcome environmental issues, such as the greenhouse effect, global warming, or even the Ozone hole. By reducing the vast amount of CO2 emissions from the built material, and purifying the surrounding environments. One has to predict that this impressive new technology will be necessary to use in this 21st century and we have to understand it well in order to be used in the right direction and contribute to the humanity development.

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